Wednesday, March 25, 2020

How to Find a Tutoring Jobs

How to Find a Tutoring JobsThe best way to find a tutoring job is to be extremely dedicated and committed. If you can do that, you will have a great chance of making it big as a tutor.There are two major things you should know about yourself before you get started. First, if you do not want to try your hand at the competitive world of tutoring, you should prepare yourself with the skills you will need to excel in the world of teaching.You should know that you are not alone if you are working with tutors who might look down on you. Many people will find it hard to believe that anyone can do well at teaching, but with enough dedication and drive, you can make it all the way. No matter how talented you are, there will always be a tutor who thinks you are nothing more than a novice. That is why it is so important to prepare yourself for the training.A good command of the English language will help you out tremendously in the tutoring field. You must be confident in your ability to expres s yourself in English to your students. It is not that difficult, but it does take time to learn. Many students are intimidated by a foreign language, so when they see someone who can really speak the language, they may feel that they cannot compete.If you can master the language of English, you can go on to other subjects that are a little more complicated. To become an effective tutor, you must learn the entire curriculum, and this takes time. You will have to take courses at community colleges or vocational schools, or even some online classes. You can be as adventurous as you want, and always remember that it is a completely personal choice.If you want to be successful in the tutoring field, you will have to be passionate about your work and the language you are learning. By taking an English class on a daily basis, you will learn new words and how to use them in conversation.In your quest to learn the English language, you will also have to take courses in other subjects, and t his will allow you to get more comfortable with the entire program. Once you have been able to pass the English test, you can advance to tutoring to students who have a genuine need for English tutors.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Switch On - Phrasal Verb of the Day

Switch On - Phrasal Verb of the Day Todays phrasal verb of the day is: Switch OnInfinitive form: Switch OnPresent Tense: Switch On/ Switches Oning form: Switching OnPast tense: Switched OnPast Participle: Switched OnSwitch On is a separable English phrasal verb.  It is used in the context written below:When you change the controls of the device/switch to render it operable and produce or do something in return. The phrasal verb is synonymous to Turn On while Switch Off is the opposite1. I  know I should be saving my battery until the power comes back on, but I really need to be switching my phone on right now to see if someone texted.2. Did you know that you can switch your flashlight on and off to create an SOS signal using the Morse code?Video?Exercises: Write your answers in comments and we will correct them.Fill in the gaps from the video above:Complete the sentences below with the correct form of Switch On.1. You shouldnt be______ your cellphone ____ if the plane is about to take off.2. Can you please ______ the television ___ for me? I dont want to miss my favorite show.3. Were the lights _____ ___ when you passed by Franks house?4.  The police were trying to investigate whether the microwave was _____ __ when the fire broke out.5. As I ____ the radio ___, the loud music blasts its way across the room. I should remember to first switch the volume down next time.Change the example sentences above to negative sentences (or positive, if the sentence is already negative). Then change them to questions.

Maple Bear Korea Hiring New Teachers

Maple Bear Korea Hiring New Teachers Are you a newly licensed Canadian or American teacher? Finding licensed teaching jobs abroad can be a challenge with no full-time experience on your resume. Maple Bear Global Schools, with international schools across the world, hires new teachers to bring the best of Canadian education to students worldwide. Build your resume with licensed teaching experience abroad by teaching at Maple Bear!Maple Bear KoreaMaple Bear Korea is currently hiring for Early Years teaching positions throughout the country. Teachers who are hoping to begin right away are in luck - Maple Bear's schools in Seoul and Songpa are hiring for immediate start dates. For teachers who aren't able to move to Seoul on such short notice, these branches and others are also hiring new teachers for start dates later in the year.Maple Bear’s vision is to establish a passion for knowledge in young learners that will serve as a foundation for future success in the formal education system.  The Maple Bear curriculum was de signed to reinforce children’s natural interest in learning by offering stimulating experiences to young learners. The curriculum was developed using the latest research in early childhood education.For educators, Maple Bear offers both pre-departure orientation as well as training once teachers have arrived in their new homes. The school prides itself on a professional teaching environment that matches the quality of its learning environment for students.Benefits of Teaching at Maple BearMaple Bear Global Schools provide teachers with an excellent salary and benefits package:Competitive salary starting at 2.3 million KRWProvided accommodationRound trip airfareContract completion bonusHealth insurance 50% coveredPlease visit our Maple Bear Korea page for full job details.Requirements for Maple Bear KoreaBachelor's degree in Education, Early Childhood Education, or a related fieldTeaching license from the educator's home province or stateNative English speakerApply to Teach at Mapl e BearRead more about Maple Bear schools in Korea, and apply to teach at Maple Bear through Teach Away. Take advantage of this excellent opportunity to gain licensed teaching experience, build your resume, and teach overseas!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

My Week 7 Progress Learning Korean

My Week 7 Progress Learning Korean Amelia  from the UK is currently taking the italki World Cup Language Challenge to learn Korean.  She uploaded a Public Video Pledge  and even started a personal blog site to help motivate her Hallyu to ???.   We were so impressed with her efforts that we asked if we could repost what she had written on her personal blog as she gives weekly updates on her progress.  Check out her latest post reposted with permission. Hi All, I am finally back with a video this week. I should probably have left this for the “big reveal” next week but my teacher told me I needed to talk to myself and at least I feel less silly if I’m doing it for this! So, this is me rambling in my room for a while on things I have done recently. I’m aware there are quite a few mistakes in it but my aim was to try and talk for as long as possible without being too slow. I have now been studying for about 10/11 weeks and have done 24 hours on italki so I’m very nearly done with the challenge ?? I do feel my korean speaking is a little faster than it was a couple of weeks ago. You can tell there are specific words I use a bit too much, and I can use more difficult grammar, but I need to make the most of what comes naturally. If I’m actually conversing with someone, I’m not going to focus on how difficult I can make my sentences… Anyway, I hope everyone else is still going â€" nearly there! And I hope everyone has a good week ?? This time next week the challenge will be over…not that I’m going to stop korean lessons at that point! Amelia x

Books permit us to voyage through time

Books permit us to voyage through time Books permit us to voyage through time, to tap the wisdom of our ancestors. The library connects us with the insight and knowledge, painfully extracted from Nature, of the greatest minds that ever were, with the best teachers, drawn from the entire planet and from all our history, to instruct us without tiring, and to inspire us to make our own contribution to the collective knowledge of the human species. ~Carl Edward Sagan (1934 â€" 1996) Carl Edward Sagan was an American astronomer, astrophysicist, cosmologist, astrobiologist, author, and science communicator in astronomy and other natural sciences. Carl Edward Sagan is best known for his research on extraterrestrial life, including experimental demonstration of the production of amino acids from basic chemicals by radiation. Sagan assembled the first physical messages sent into space: the Pioneer plaque and the Voyager Golden Record, universal messages that could potentially be understood by any extraterrestrial intelligence that might find them. Sagan published more than 600 scientific papers and articles and was author, co-author or editor of more than 20 books. His most popular books are Pale Blue Dot, The Dragons of Eden, Brocas Brain. Sagan co-wrote the award-winning 1980 television series Cosmos: A Personal Voyage. Cosmos is the most widely watched series in the history of American public television. It has been seen by at least 500 million people across 60 different countries. Sagan also wrote the science fiction novel Contact, the basis for a 1997 film of the same name. If you want to be as smart as Sagan, then spend more time studying. And theres no better place to start than Our science tutors are able to provide outstanding instruction at any level of science. They can assist students who are struggling in science or help further develop academic skills of gifted students.

Skills You Need to Be a Social Media Manager

Skills You Need to Be a Social Media Manager Image via Pixabay It used to be the case that many small and large businesses saw social media as tools that only individuals use to promote their personal brand, product, or event, or to simply connect with friends and family. However, as social media has taken on a life of its own, businesses of all sizes have started to see its value and now include it as a strategic part of their marketing plan. Every single business, no matter who or what it does or the products it sells, has a need for social media creation, development, implementation, and maintenance. Social media doesn’t just happen on its own and social media managers don’t just pop up. Social media managers are becoming essential partners for businesses. Since businesses have realized the value of social media, both financially and otherwise, many are looking to hire people who can help manage their social media and actually make their social media work for them. Simon Sinek said, “If you hire people just because they can do a job, they’ll work for your money. But if you hire people who believe what you believe, they’ll work for you with blood, sweat and tears.” Mitt Ray over at offers some interesting data about social media usage. Check it out here. Interestingly, “81 percent of small and medium-sized business use social media. 94 percent of them use it for marketing purposes.” Further, businesses “spent $23.68 billion on social network ads in 2015. This number is expected to reach $35.98 billion by 2017.” So if you’re interested in social media marketing, here are some skills you will need to succeed. Learn how to develop a brand. Spend some time researching the company and understand their “WHY” behind their product or service. Be able to draft a compelling reason customers should do something or buy something from the company. Anything factual about the company can help with this information such as awards, special recognition, numbers, data, policies, industry achievements and so forth. Be sure you can answer that question all customers have of “what’s in it for me?” or “how will I benefit?” Develop an aptitude for writing. Advanced writing skills and a degree in English literature or creative writing is not necessary. However, you must be able to string 10 words together in a way that is compelling, interesting, accurately representative of the company, and sells the brand. While you may not be writing 800-word articles, you will be communicating with customers and a lot of that will come across through words on a screen. Being able to clearly convey an idea in a passionate way on behalf of the company is essential. Serve the customer. The bottom line of every business is to sell products or services and to make money. Your social media plan should ultimately surround that objective. Posting cute cat pictures and clever quotes each day will only get the company so far. Be responsible for maintaining a professional virtual appearance and respond to customer’s questions and needs appropriately. This includes responding to customers in a timely manner, knowing how to respond to irate or angry customers, moving difficult questions up the chain of command to the right person, and overall, being the brand or company’s face on social media. Remember, social media is a reflection of the company, for good or bad. Manage your time well. Just as it is easy to get carried away scrolling through endless messages on Facebook and posts on Twitter, it can be easy to waste lots of time doing the same thing on a company’s social pages. And in this case, a lot worse, because you’ll be wasting the company’s time, they’ll find out they’re paying you to do nothing and you’ll be out of a job. But seriously, managing social media accounts takes a lot of time and it’s time you can’t afford to waste. You will most likely be responsible for creating or adopting systems that help you organize social tasks and complete work according to the company’s timetable and that of their clients. Learn some advanced marketing skills. Nowadays, pretty much anybody can post a video on Youtube, post a message to Facebook, and post a picture to Instagram. Advanced skills involve SEO (search engine optimization); optimizing videos with tags, titles, captions, annotations, and descriptions; creating customization for social media pages; creating hashtags (I’ve done this for my own social campaigns and it works well); and knowing how to launch social ad campaigns, do webcasts, hangouts over Google+, and even email newsletters and capture forms. Go mobile. We live in the most mobile generation ever. If you are like me, you go almost nowhere without your phone. Social media managers must know how to make their clients look good on mobile devices. This includes optimizing the company’s website to be represented on mobile devices and knowing how impactful responsive design is. Have an aptitude for visual design and web development. Whether you consider yourself a graphic artist or not, you need to have an eye for what is visually appealing to customers. Visual content has a near permanent effect on the viewer because people often remember what they see, even more than what they read or hear. Compelling visuals will help customers remember the company or product. If you’re not graphically savvy, be sure to work closely with the graphics team or pass your work by a friend who is skilled in that area. Social media is fun and works wonders for those willing to use it effectively and make it work for them. If you like social media to the point where you want to start earning money or turn your skills into a part-time or full-time job, gain some experience in the field. Build your own personal portfolio first and then offer to help local companies with theirs. Develop a profile on LinkedIn as it is the most perfect opportunity to sell yourself. Network as much as possible and develop relevant content that fits your interest. Before you know it, you will be well on your way to becoming a successful social media manager.

How to Get a Harvard Resident Tutor Application?

How to Get a Harvard Resident Tutor Application?Finding a Harvard Resident Tutor Application is a little more difficult than you may have first thought. Most students will apply to a few schools and that one that fits their requirements the best. Here are some suggestions that can help.First off you should always talk to a Resident Assistant, (RAs) in your dorm or residence hall. They will be able to provide you with a list of students who are on the Resident Advisor List. The RAs are the 'teachers' of the residence halls and are not there just to do an applicant profile. It's their job to give the Resident Advisor List to the colleges that need to know your education and financial background.In order to have a better chance of being accepted into the college student to find out what their criteria is for admissions. If you need a bachelor's degree then you should know the actual college requirement for such a degree before applying. Check to see if the college or university has an o nline application process. A lot of colleges and universities have recently started making this an important step to get into the school.The second thing that you can do is ask the Resident Advisors in your dorm or residence hall for recommendations. The dorms are usually the first place that these RAs go to with applications. They will definitely know where you belong if you ask and give them your email address.You can also offer to pay for part of your tuition, if it's possible. Some colleges will still accept a reduced cost. Many schools will agree to waive at least a percentage of your tuition, and it may be able to get you accepted into the school.This applies to freshmen as well as upperclassmen. If you've only been in college for a year or two and haven't taken any classes or gotten any grades yet, and there is a large incoming class the campus is going to be very crowded, maybe even over capacity, and trying to find a spot, you may want to apply to a school in the middle of nowhere. Of course, be aware that if the school is so far from the campus, you may not be able to have the student who is the resident adviser or in charge of your classes.Be sure to ask about the Resident Assistants (RAs) in your dorm or residence hall. They can make all the difference in your application process, and if you follow the tips above, you'll be a step closer to getting into Harvard.